i think the exam blues/purples/greens/pinks/whatever colour you can think of are coming in on me. all i think about all the time now is math math econs bio chem econs math chi PW (argh) math. i couldnt play properly today too! felt so tired and breathless. kenneth says today's an anomaly so everything will get better again. hahaha. well i really need to do much better for promos.
i cant wait to go to heaven. there'll be no exams, no stress, no temptations, no everything-bad. cant wait to see how it looks like! i still remember the time some of the teens were talking about how heaven will be like when we get there. hahaha it was hilarious. someone talked about us flying and ending up having nothing to do cause everything would be done or something like that.
please try to bear with me during this period of time lol. i think those who know me well will kind of expect to see lots of short tempers and black faces from me :p im always like that when exams are around the corner. this time it's promos, then chinese A levels, then oral presentation. i dont know what to do for pw anymore. my group doesnt even think it's substantiated enough and it's kinda vague. but i really dont know what we do anymore. it's just a simple idea. will universities reject people if they fail project work?
the past few days at home havent been very nice but im glad God worked some things out today. my mom, my bro and i played boggle just now and had so much fun finding funny words! hope my mom doesnt get too stressed at work. i know it isnt easy for her even though i often think whatever im doing is tougher than what she does. well im still learning =)
yaye next week is a long holiday week! dont have school on tue, thur (celebrations and seniors' farewell), fri, the weekend and thereafter the sept hols! but i've to go back during that week for SPA and some make-up classes and lectures =( persevere on guys!
oh yah and that week will be the spex tournament. played really badly today and i couldnt even serve properly. rraahhhh. dont have much confidence to play against the top players in singapore when it's my first time trying! a lot of ppl have been so sweet though, encouraging me to just go there and try. i cant possibly win but coach chong told me that even if it's already like 5-0 down, aim to get just one game from my opponent. just one game and i'll be pretty much encouraged! i'll need to work on my mental strength - concentrate, focus. and most importantly, i should pray before, during and after the match too =)
time will tell me
Thursday, August 17, 2006
11:17 PM
this week has been filled with stuff!
firstly, TWAD!! i'm so glad we had a chance to appreciate our dear teen workers :D the teens met in the morning in temasek room and we did the deco, skit, song and preparation of everything else within such a short time. i never thought it could be more successful than it was. thanks so much to everyone who helped me put up all the deco stuff! cant thank you guys enough. here's a nice picture i took from fiona's blog
the tennis team played netball against the netball girls on monday! haha i thought we were going to get trashed but it turned out pretty well =) had lots of fun playing myself and seeing the rest of the team working together. the guys were super funny trying to score goals. the sad thing that day was that yi rong's ankle gave way =( hope she gets better to walk again soon! she's on wheels now cause her other injuries arent that minor either
wed was bio trial SPA. it was more of some cooking class to me hahaha. we had to cut and weigh potato samples and cut it somemore and then mash it using the mortar (is that how it's called?) and p-something. it was fun though, except my bubbles wouldnt come out.
training was great too! maricelle and i did 5 sets of 20 rallies - 2 sets first then 60 rallies in a row. we could've continued but our stamina's so low lol. we just gave up when we reached the 3 continued sets. after the coach left all of us played around for a while, then i contined my match with ms chue from 4-2 down. she's such a consistent player and i cant seem to attack very well in matches. we had super long rallies! it was like a matter of who could last longer a lot of times. i lost 7-5 in the end but we had so much fun. =) i need to work in so many areas though!
well tmr's chem SPA. really hope to finish on time. the weekend will be gone again so fast. i hardly have time during weekends to do work at all. i seriously need to study! even if it means cornering myself or something.
dear all, pray for me to focus. (walk to camera) FOCUS. (hahaha taken from agnes's speech today during the OP workshop)
tomorrow's friday! =D
time will tell me
Thursday, August 10, 2006
12:18 AM
yaye my first post! i've not blogged for so long that i forgot my previous blog addresses and all. well here i am =)
didnt play that well yesterday with godwin and ken. hope my wrist gets well soon! i dont know what's wrong with it but it hurts. my mom and mr lim are warning me against sports injuries cause 1. it's expensive to get it healed and 2. (more importantly) i need my hand and wrist and fingers to play my dear viola!
speaking of viola, i've somehow been neglecting it recently. mr lim realised i keep pressing my bow down a lot instead of just pulling, maybe because of tennis. i dont want to go to the extend where i need to choose between them although i know viola's more important. i love them both.
well tomorrow's a study day. it doesnt feel like the promos are coming but they are! my main problem's still econs and ever will be. hahaha
time will tell me
.the narrow path.
"I tell you the truth,
until heaven and earth disappear,
not the smallest letter,
not the least stroke of a pen,
will by any means disappear until everything is accomplished."