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Sunday, November 25, 2007
9:44 PM

I dream to have a christian family, one where money is never an issue or where there is no such thing as 'i'm losing out'. She, the ever loving and kind mother, will bake and cook a feast every day just to invite friends and close ones to her humble home, even if it's not very big or even if the kids who come leave so many fingerprints on the walls. She'll always be curious about everyone's day and would want to be involved in everyone's life. Such a quiet and gentle spirit that would shine like no other star doing everything she can like there's no tomorrow and giving everything like God would want her to.
He would be the master of the household, firm in his beliefs yet so forgiving, and always submitting everything he does to God. Sons would be called and treated like buddies and daughters, princesses. Family time would be his priority, and even if he doesnt make the most money, it will never bother him. Being a leader and an example for his family, he'll initiate devotionals and fun times, yet remembering at the same time to be outwardly focused. Together, their love would outlast any challenges and it would be purely based on God's love for them.
Their kids would be happy and innocent ones, eager to learn about the Lord and showing kindness and joy at their tender ages. Nobody would find them shouting and quarelling or stepping on each other's toes over 'who started it first'. Instead, they would be so excited to share their toys and pray for each other every night. They would be the closest of friends.
The family would be a loving one, and only laughter would be heard at the dinner table. It'll never be quiet there. Their home would be a favourite place for bible studies, for students to hang out at or to study at, or for sisters to bake and have wonderful tea-times together. Music would fill the house, and the aroma of freshly-baked cookies would be smelt from a street away. Such a wonderful household would be awesome, yet considering itself below others.
This would be the most perfect thing to have. In my world, that is.

time will tell me

Saturday, November 03, 2007
12:24 AM

A potential sudden surge of freedom from studying and being confined to my desk really floods me with so many ideas about what to do after the As - crazy thoughts of going for faraway holidays, going shopping like nobody's business, working multiple jobs to finance the earlier fantasy, etc; it all leads me back to square one. I fail to remember what i really aim for - to grow so much more spiritually as i finally have the time to sit back and reflect on the past months. Things i haven't done for a long time i cast aside; yet i place trivial things the world deems as 'having a life' on the top of my list.

I can't help but think of Proverbs 16:9, which says "In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps". I've got to learn to rely and have faith in what He has planned, each little step along the way. Planning it all my way is certainly not going to work out as well as i think it to be.So instead of flinching at the thought of putting aside time for bible studies, bible talks, spending time with sisters, and what-nots that's actually to my benefit, I pray for myself to be more initiative and fired up for the Lord. =)

For now, I should get back to my notes and do God proud through the As! (that includes discpline in food intake while I'm at it as well =p)

time will tell me

Wednesday, October 31, 2007
11:54 PM

i figured it's better to pen down thoughts when i ought to.

but it's really hard to think of what to write here when my mind is so saturated with math and chem.
oh well.

time will tell me

Sunday, July 15, 2007
12:38 AM

i may not be as good as many others, but i don't want to lose the fighting spirit and the want to improve always.
i may not acquire as many skills, musical knowledge or experience, but i'd like to always bear in my heart the same love for the music i play.
i may not be the perfect disciple, but i want to glorify God with the things i do, however small they are.

the walk down the next couple of months will definitely take a toll on me, and i'll be much busier than i was for the time i've been in jc. but i'd like to keep things simple - everything based on a life worthy in the eyes of God. Grant me strength i need, Lord.

time will tell me

Friday, June 29, 2007
9:33 AM

CTs were over since wed! i think i've learnt so much more about how to not let the worries choke me. like really. i wasnt even nervous before econs.

then a bunch of us went for lunch and a movie at orchard! surfs up is a cool movie =) although i didnt think that way when i saw it's commercials and before the movie even. then it was out with my mom for almost the whole day yesterday.

after the whole month of holidays spent studying with fio and jac, it's been so weird to not see them at all this week. oh well today's friday and the bbq should be around the corner! =) oh yes and it'll be tennis with yi rong on sunday. haha i must be sooo rusty. with an oxidation state of 5 or something. iron(V)oxide - silvia's new invention.

time will tell me

Tuesday, June 19, 2007
1:16 AM

SEA conference was awesome! many lessons learnt, great life applications and examples brought forward, inspiring speakers backed up with amazing lives, uplifting performances, and best of all, great warmth and love from disciples all over the world =D (so it sounds more like a world conference haha)

jac and i were talking about how our lives would be like if we decided to not come back to church before and we really went on and on during the bus ride. ok maybe we exaggerated just a little, but im sure things would still be so much more different than it is now. im thankful for my life =) and yeah im learning little by little not to let worries choke me. all i can do is to scatter seed, and do my best in what i can control. so sisters, let's work hard to the end!

time will tell me

Wednesday, June 06, 2007
11:19 PM

This life, therefore,
is not righteousness but growth in righteousness,
not health but healing,
not being but becoming,
not rest but exercise.
We are not yet what we shall be, but we are growing toward it;
the process is not yet finished but it is going on.
This is not the end but this is the road;
all does not yet gleam in glory but all is being purified.

-Martin Luther

I like this quote =)

time will tell me

.the narrow path.

"I tell you the truth,
until heaven and earth disappear,
not the smallest letter,
not the least stroke of a pen,
will by any means disappear until everything is accomplished."

- Matthew 5:18

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